Thursday, January 11, 2007

Oh my God! I SO Can't believe you just said that!!

Oh My God! So Hiro has been completely going around copying like every word we say like something or nothing and that is well out of order, right cos the other day we was watching the Little Britain Christmas show on TV and that slag Vicky Pollard came on the TV and said something I can't remember what - about something I don't even know nothing. God, just stop getting involved will you - you're such a mixer. Anyway she was like in this sketch and says "Shut Up" and Hiroki turns round to me and says "SHUT UP" too!!!! God this is just like being back at school and if you don't believe me you can ask Auntie Issy or I don't know but don't talk to Uncle Adam cos he's a slag.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Family Visit

Hiro loves his Great Grandma

..His Great Grandpa

..and everybody. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!