Hiro's Teddy Bear Knit Outfit was made by Chiyo in a week and he made his debut today in it in Kashiwa. The hat is not finished - just needs a couple of ears sewing onto it but Hiroki's public couldn't wait. The first attempt at the hat was too big so that's why we both have matching hats in the first picture. Not sure if I am going to have ears on mine though......
Hiro is getting stronger by the day and much more adept at using arms, legs and tummy to shift himself around the carpet. He has managed to flip himself over from his tummy over onto his back without any prompting from pushy parents. Not long before he will be mobile and we will have to batten down all the hatches.
Hiroki had his first taste of rice today. Mixed with alot of water and squashed up into a kind of paste, Mum fed it to him with a Disney spoon - Star Treatment. As you can see, Hiro managed to get most but not all of it into his mouth. Curious because he has no problems whatsoever posting anything and everything he can find into his mouth if he thinks we are not looking.
Chiyo has been busy knitting clothes for Hiroki. In fact, she started while she was pregnant. Here are just a few of the things she made. The gloves have been especially useful to protect Hiro when scratching his head - he is a great thinker...
Wow! Tempus Fugit, eh? Hiro seems to surprise us now on a daily basis. We took him to Starbucks today and he must have flirted with EVERY girl in there!His teeth are almost coming through. Until they do he is practicing gumming our fingers. Very Hard. Itaii!!
Today for the first time, Hiro rolled over from his tummy onto his back. He can almost do it the other way but his giant tum tends to get in the way. He can lie on his back, stick his feet in the air and roll onto his side but there is where he stops for a think or to give one of his gorilla whoops. He likes to do that while beating his belly. I wonder how long it will be before the urge to scale tall buildings and swat at bi-planes will kick in.