Wednesday, March 08, 2006

ひこうきのセーター airplane sweater

ま たまたセーターが編みあがりました。今度は飛行機のアップリケがついています。これは腕を2回まくるくらい大きめなので来年の冬も十分着られそう。もうだ いぶ暖かくなってきたから、今年は活躍の機会は少ないだろうな。 Hiroは明日で6ヶ月、Half Birthdayです。お出かけがずいぶん楽になっ てきました。離乳食もよく食べてます。ほんと、どんどん時間が過ぎて行っちゃうから、Hiroと一日中過ごせる後り半年を大切にしなきゃな。
I finished another sweater. This time, I made an airplane design. I made this one quite big so Hiro will be able to wear it next Winter. It is getting warm in Japan so he won't wear it much this year. Hiro will be in his 6th month tomorrow, his half birthday! It's getting easier taking Hiro outside now. He likes his baby food and he is eating well. Time flies so I want to make the most of the rest of my maternity leave.

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