Wednesday, April 05, 2006

...and it's Goodnight from Him

In Japan a popular form of comedy is called Manzai. This is a double act very similar to those in the West in that there is a Straight Man (Boke) and a Funny Man (Tsukomi).

Just as in the West, a poor joke is condemned as "Corny", the Japanese say "Samui" (Cold) when the joke is old, predictable and not so funny.

Watch the video and decide who is Boke and who is Tsukomi. Shouldn't be too hard.
Can you come up with a suitable name for this double act? Be gentle please.



ledevilefamily said...

I think Hiro does very well to ignore silly daddy and look at mummy!

verniciousknids said...

Hiro is so obviously Tsukomi in this clip :p

I can't believe you put a bag over his head and he didn't even care! He'll be wearing the Vader mask in no time :)

Alex, Chiyo, Hiroki and Kei said...

and then the roles will be reversed: Vader being Boke to the Tsukomi Emperor.