Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Pint Sized Piper


Anonymous said...

Cool video. Ah yes, the recorder, the nastiest instrument ever to be introduced into the Irish school system! Have on occasion taught it to a group of 30 12-year olds. Hiroki definitely puts them to shame. Take care, love Maedhbh and a sleeping Emily. (Fingers crossed she stays like ths for a while.)

Alex, Chiyo, Hiroki and Kei said...

Thank you but of course this is only the 3 minute edited highlights of his recorder Magnum Opus in 96 movements with no intervals!!

Cherish the silence while Emily is asleep but you will probably use them to watch her sleep and marvel. I know I still do with Roki. However I also now ponder 'is that rice in his hair', 'what is that stain?' etc etc