Friday, February 17, 2006

Mom's hand knitted clothes for Hiro

Hiro のテディベア・ニットが出来上がりました!1週間くらいで完成。もうすぐ暖かくなってくるので、来年着られるように大きめに編みました。Hiroは頭が大 きいから、、、と目を増やして帽子を編んだら、でっかすぎてAlexサイズになってしまいました。今日のお出かけに帽子の耳が間に合わなかったので、 Hiroがお昼寝をしている今のうちに作っちゃおう!

Hiro's Teddy Bear Knit Outfit was made by Chiyo in a week and he made his debut today in it in Kashiwa. The hat is not finished - just needs a couple of ears sewing onto it but Hiroki's public couldn't wait.
The first attempt at the hat was too big so that's why we both have matching hats in the first picture. Not sure if I am going to have ears on mine though......


Anonymous said...

These look great Chiyo!!

Alex, Chiyo, Hiroki and Kei said...

thankyou very much. This is my new hobby! I am finishing the hat now.

Anonymous said...

What a clever Mummy you have, Hiro!
Hope you are all well and looking forward to Granny's visit......

Spring is springing here now. A bit frosty today, but daffs are shooting and frogs are getting active!

Alex, Chiyo, Hiroki and Kei said...

Thank you! I finished the hat today. We hope Hiro sees his Uncle, Aunt and Cousins before too long!