Monday, April 03, 2006

Meet the Great Grandparents

We drove to the Nagano Mountains to visit Hiroki's Great Grandparents for the first time and to give my Mum a look at a different part of Japan. It was alot of fun for all. I even managed to make myself understood in my own odd brand of Japanese.
(Left to Right: Chiyo's Mum and Dad, HIROKI, Chiyo and Alex's Mum)

Ojichan with his Great Grandson.

No Cherry Blossom in Nagano yet. The snow is still on the ground and the ski runs are open.

Four Generations from Left to Right.


verniciousknids said...

There's snow and you're wearing a t-shirt?? Unbelievable :)

Alex, Chiyo, Hiroki and Kei said...

Wow, Verniciousknids! You are SO Japanese! LOL

verniciousknids said...

Sometimes I think I'm more Japanese than the Japanese :p

Alex, Chiyo, Hiroki and Kei said...

So da ne!